What can we offer?
Resilience training center
Working with young people is at the very center of our system of values. But the main task that we practice is to share our experience and knowledge with others- social workers, teachers, parents, guardians. We lead seminars where we cover various themes and values, all participants gain valuable information and a certificate. Our seminars are interactive, interesting and often take place outdoors.
Camp programmes
"Resilience Center" offers various camp programs for children and young people- Resilience camps, foster children camps, adventure camps. They are led by certified camp leaders working with young people together with psychologists and mentors. The time in our camps passes by very quickly and children remember all the fun moments with their new-found friends as well as the interesting bonding tasks, language practice and sports.
Project "Believe in Possibilities" - promotion of participation of young people with social restrictions. (The project is implemented within the framework of the state budget funding of the Youth Policy State Program 2022-2024 of the Ministry of Education and Science)
Project "Resilience approach for strengthening the participation of youth with limited opportunities" (The project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the EEZ and Norway Grants Fund for Active Citizens or ACF)
Communication program "DARI"
Programmas mērķis ir nodrošināt pusaudžiem ar uzvedības un saskarsmes grūtībām un viņu
piesaistes personām psihosociālu atbalstu, lai mazinātu pusaudžu uzvedības un saskarsmes grūtības
un to izraisītās sekas, veicinātu pusaudžu piesaistes personu izpratni par pusaudžu vajadzībām,
The aim of the program is to provide adolescents with behavioral and communication difficulties and their caregivers with psychosocial support to reduce the difficulties and consequences of adolescent behavior and communication issues. It also aims to promote caregivers' understanding of adolescents' needs, thereby improving family communication and reducing conflict situations at school and home.
Social mentor sevice
The aim of this program is to ensure psychosocial support for teenagers with behaviour and communication issues and for their closest contacts in order to lessen these difficulties and their consequences; to promote an understanding of teenager’s needs amongst people that are close to them, to improve young people’s connection with their families and decrease conflict situations in school and in the family.
Main tasks of the service:
- promote the positive development of young people's social skills;
- provide the young person with practical mentoring support in everyday situations;
- encourage the social integration of young people at risk of social exclusion;
- provide useful leisure activities.
In order to achieve the service's objective, the mentoring support activities for young people focus on:
- understanding the development and ageing of an adolescent or young person;
- improving family relations or maintaining relationships;
- plan and provide useful leisure activities.
- building relationships with peers and others
- financial literacy
- setting and achieving future goals
- the ability to look after yourself
- etc.
From October 2022, the Resilience Centre is organising a social mentoring service in the municipality of Salaspils Municipality for up to 30 mentoring hours each month per young person on average.
Street youth work
From 2019, the Resilience Center in cooperation with the Department of Education, Culture and Sport of Riga City Council will implement street youth work activities in Riga City Centre parks, Akropole and Origo shopping centres, as well as in the Central Market area.
8 workers are involved in street youth work, organising activities aimed at providing informative, educational and psycho-emotional support to at-risk street youth (including information about support services and activities available in the municipality), as well as engaging them in meaningful leisure (including sport and creative) activities.
Street youth workers work in tandem, i.e. 2 youth workers are involved in one shift at the same time.
Work with street youth can be divided into the following stages:
1. Neighbourhood study of street youth gatherings;
2. Reaching out to street youth - making contact;
3. Encouraging street youth to get involved in local community initiatives;
4. Individual psycho-emotional support for personal development and growth.
To reach out to young people on the streets, a street youth worker does the following:
1) when arriving at a particular place, assess the general situation - whether young people are present, whether the young person is alone or in a group, what is the behaviour of the young people, whether there are signs of substance abuse, whether there are any external risks;
2) rely on your intuition about whether or not a young person is approachable;
3) observe young people's body language and emotional expressions - bored, need help, sad, is looking for something;
4) take advantage of the coincidence of existing circumstances - e.g. a young person sitting alone on the stairs, or playing ball, or crying, or young people boredly staring at their phones;
5) organise, where and when appropriate, 'moment activities' for the youth group according to the interests and needs of the young people (drawing, music, sports, etc.)
Street youth work is implemented in accordance with the Methodological Guidelines for Practical Street Youth Work in Riga Municipality. The coordinator of street youth work is Kārlis Mednieks, mob. 28609300, e-mail: karlis.mednieks@resilience.lv