About Us

Ieskaties mūsu pasaulē

Who are we?

Dažādu jomu profesionāļi, kuriem saistoša ir resiliences pieeja – psihilogi, sociālie darbinieki, mentori. Speciālisti ar lielu pieredzi un plašu dzīves redzējumu. Cilvēki, kas ir piedzīvojuši un redzējuši dažādus dzīves stāstus un vietas.

Jaunieši, kuriem šo darbinieku atbalsts ir bijis palīdzošs un kuri tagad paši ir gatavi darboties, lai padarītu pasauli par gabaliņu gaišāku sev un citiem. Motivēti, mērķtiecīgi, interesanti un ieinteresēti jaunieši ar vēlmi palīdzēt citiem.

What do we do?

Biedrība “Resiliences centrs” kļuva aktīva 2019.gada nogalē, lai mērķtiecīgi attīstītu jaunas iniciatīvas, programmas un projektus, kas balstās uz resiliences pieeju.

In 2021 we continue the youth communication program DARI as well as take an active part in various resilience focused projects both locally and on an international level developing creative ideas for the future!


A calm, accepting and loving society. A society that consists of positively thinking and strong personalities who are helping others.


Helping everyone to find resilience in themselves. Resilience represents resources inside us, a source of creation and a road that leads to oneself. When we find resilience we can live a more meaningful life, be in balance with ourselves and offer help to others.

Mūsu mērķi

To generate a safe and accepting (resilient) organization environment for self development and growth of our employees and target groups.

To promote integration of the society by carrying out projects and programs, activities and events to popularize acceptance.

To develop skills of self exploration, inner acceptance and sharing with others.

To create an example of healthy relationship that are based on a positive interaction, supportive family roles and an accepting environment for personality development and in creating a future society.

To collaborate with the State, municipalities, NGOs as well as other juridical bodies and natural persons in Latvia and outside of it to fulfill our targets.

To use innovative, interactive and creative methods in popularizing the mission of the organization.

To provide new information about resilience for people, assisting them to find resilience as a point of ‘‘bouncing back’’ for their future development.

To act within values and basic principles of resilience.

Our partners

Viesu nams “Vecmuiža” ir viena no senākajām muižām Vidzemē un rakstos tā jau ir minēta 1403.g. Tā atrodas skaista meža ielokā, tikai 3 km attālumā no jūras.
“Vecmuižā” bieži notiek mūsu pasākumi.

A rapper, MMA fighter, a creative person who spends most of his time with young people to hear them out, build a conversation and inspire.
Deniss bieži vada mūsu pasākumus vai nodarbības nometnēs.

Find Deniss on ‘‘Instagram’’: @dstepanovs

‘For better world’ tika dibināta 2001. gadā. Tā ir nevalstiska, humanitārā organizācija no Slovēnijas, kas darbojas cilvēku interesēs.
“For better worlds” piedalās mūsu semināru vadīšanā, nometņu aktivitātēs (teātris, sporta nodarbības), sadarbībā tapa daži internacionāli projekti.

Fotomākslinieks ar daudzu gadu pieredzi, pasniedz Fotoakadēmijā. Par savu mākslu saka: “Es esmu kā stāstnieks, kas caur saviem darbiem cenšas uzrunāt cilvēkus atcerēties, just, dzirdēt un mīlēt.”
Valters fotografē daudzus mūsu pasākumus un nometnēs vada fotogrāfijas nodarbības. Sadarbībā ar Valteru tapa izstāde “Izaugt ģimenē”

Our team

Programmu un projektu vadītāji

Aiga Romane-Meiere

Youth project and program leader


+371 29728401

Karlis Mednieks

Camp program leader


+371 28609300

Dace Blazevica

“ Resiliences Centrs” vadītāja


+371 29244182

Dzeina Feldberga

Youth project leader


+371 23202424

Baiba Ozere

Projektu vadītāja


+371 20334111

Resiliences jeb dzīvesspēka treneri

Sarmite Baumane

''We are all traveling a common path. We come from the same source and return to it. Let the road lead you and Enjoy!''


+371 29412475

Janis Rihards Blazevics

''Life is a battle where persistance wins.''


+371 28604088

Jurita Smiltina

''It doesn't matter where we come from, but where we are going.''


+371 27584992

Edgars Blazevics

''Even gods die when there is no one to believe them.''


+371 29363794

Arseny Pavlovskiy

''Don't try to fix what's not broken.''


+371 25154658

Roberts Blazevics

''All is in your hands!''


+371 29296773